These upgrades were done just before Vintage Off-Road Nationals. We’re just getting around to posting them since it was hectic getting everything ready in time for the event, and have been on a non-stop race schedule it seems ever since. Regardless, here is our upgrade article for when we took our box stock Tamiya Avante […]
Posts Tagged ‘Vintage Off-Road Nationals’

2013 Vintage Off-Road Nationals Event Coverage

This past weekend Team driver Jarodd Goedel and myself attended the Vintage Offroad Nationals in Bethel, CT. This race is organized and put on by RC Car Action’s Erich Reichert. It’s an annual event celebrating the old days of r/c, where only cars made before 1994 are allowed to race. It’s a very neat idea […]

Road to Vintage Nats: Associated RC10 Refresh

So this is my second installment to the “Road to Vintage Nationals“. I previously freshened up an RC10T. I need to run a second class so I decided to run a Gold Tub RC10. This is just like the one I started RC racing with back in 1995. This was purchased from a friend of […]

Road to Vintage Nats: Tamiya Avante 2011 Build Up

The Tamiya Avante is one of those kits that I think every kid who grew up in the 80’s wanted, and few could afford. Even the rerelease is still quite pricey. When Kevin told me that he was planning to go to the Vintage Off-Road Nationals this year, I immediately was interested in going. The […]

Road to Vintage Nats: Associated RC10 Reboot

Alright folks. This is Part 2 of my original RC10 Restoration article from WAY back in January. That article also has a lot of info about the Vintage Off-Road Nationals that all these builds are centered around. This really isn’t a part 2 though, because I pretty much scrapped that whole project. I kept a […]

Road to Vintage Nats: Associated RC10T Restoration

When Kevin started talking about racing a “vintage” R/C race I was interested. The Vintage Off-Road Nationals race is an annual event, now held at the Bethel Raceway Arena in Bethel, CT. All cars and trucks must be made before 1994. I thought it would be fun to find the old cars and trucks, fix them up, […]

Road to VONats: RC10 Restoration Part 1

Just as we had the Road to Clodapalooza last year, we decided to make another article series where we plan and prepare to attend a unique event, but building up some specific rides for it. This year, we plan to attend the 2013 Vintage Off-Road Nationals (VONats). If you didn’t know such a thing existed, […]