You may recall a few months back the popular Trinity D3.5 17.5 motor, which was ROAR approved, spontaneously lost its approval due to claims from ROAR that the motor was using oversized wire. Trinity would then go on to file a lawsuit against ROAR. The two parties were finally able to meet, and come to […]
Posts Tagged ‘Trinity’

ROAR Outlaws the uber fast Team Trinity D3.5 17.5 line of motors!!!!

*UPDATE BELOW* They have been racking up win after win across the country, and countless racers were flocking to Trinity’s new D3.5 17.5 motor for their spec racing classes. But now ROAR has stepped in, and declared them illegal. Read about it in the following release from ROAR. Approval status of Trinity D3.5 and […]

Trinity Speedgems Brushed Motors

Years ago, the Trinity Speedgem motor made a name for itself by having plenty of performance, but at a less expensive price than hand wound motors. With brushless all the rage, Trinity has brought back the Speedgem line for those of you diehards that would rather stick with a brushed motor. The names are the […]