Is that a ramp made of Ramen?! Whoa. I’m not sure how it will hold up to the weight of that truck hitting it at speed, but we LOVE the creativity behind this. Very nice! Congratulations to the March winner of our SOUPercharged Rides contest, Joseph Chuhak! (Who already happens to be a huge CowRC […]
Posts Tagged ‘SOUPercharged rides’

SOUPercharged Rides March Deadline is tonight!

Didn’t win the Lotto last night? How about entering our SOUPercharged Rides contest! You’re odds of winning are slightly greater… all you need to do is send us a photo of your r/c ride with some soup! Entries for March will be cutoff at midnight tonight, so get your pictures in now! Details are here, […]

February SOUPercharged Rides Winner Announced!

Congratulations to the February winner of our SOUPercharged Rides contest, Richard Flathmann! Richard will be receiving the Cow RC prize pack, along with a $20 coupon code good at For anyone else that submitted an entry, you are now automatically entered for March. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t submit a new photo! […]

SOUPercharged Rides Contest

Hey guys, just wanted to throw out a reminder about our SOUPercharged Rides contest. It is very easy to enter, see all the details here. There’s some pretty cool stuff for the winner, as well as honorable mention prizes! Let’s see those rides! Here’s one from January. Also, if you submitted one in January and […]

January SOUPercharged Rides Winner Announced!

Congratulations to the January winner of our SOUPercharged Rides contest, Arcocustom! Arcocustom will be receiving the Cow RC prize pack, along with a $10 coupon code good at We received a lot of great entries, but this entry from Rob West came in a very close second. As such, we will be sending him […]

SOUPercharged Rides for January – cutoff approaching

Just a few more days left to get your entries in for January. We will cut off January entries at midnight on January 31. Let’s see your rides!! There are free prizes in it for you. If you submit now and don’t win for January, your entry will carry over into February. Click here to […]

SOUPercharged Rides Contest

Don’t forget to send us your entries for the SOUPercharged Rides Contest. It is our monthly “readers rides” contest. See all the rules HERE. Lets see those Rides! Still only have a couple entries for January. We now have added more prizes to the package for runner ups and such. Get your entries in soon! […]