PPR Slots has joined CowRC in sponsoring our SOUPercharged Rides contest. They’ve sent us 3 awesome rubber radio grips and 3 containers of Z-OPT Heavy Grease. You might remember PPR from our Spice up that Transmitter article or us using their grease in the CC-01 Unimog Build. They make a quality product. We’ve only had […]
Posts Tagged ‘soupercharged’

SOUPercharged Rides Contest (Monthly Winners)

We’re kicking off 2012 with a bang. This is our new Reader’s Rides contest. We want to see your R/C’s! There’s a catch though. We need to see your ride showing some love for Soup. Campbell’s Chunky, Generic Tomato, Cream of Mushroom, even Spaghettios, whatever! Snap a pic of your ride with some soup, and […]