Earlier this year, we picked up the Speed Power OTA-R31RS drift chassis. The drifting scene is exploding, so we wanted to try our hands at it. The OTA-R31RS is an entry level kit. It comes as a roller, with very little assembly needed to get it going. You basically need to mount your servo, and […]
Posts Tagged ‘RC Mart’

Quick Tip – Outdrive Reinforcement

A few weeks back, we posted a video of our new drift car, and our first attempts at drifting. While filming the follow-up video, the Speed Power OTA-R31 spit a rear dog bone. This was about the time I was leaving Florida to travel to NY for the Intergalactic Electric Championships. The drift car went […]

RC Mart Christmas Promotion

For this holiday season, RCMart.com has announced a special promotion. Check out the flyer below for details.

Upgrading the Tamiya Avante 2011: Part 2

Here we are with the third installment of “Project Avante”. The first article was a simple build up and the second was the installation of the upgraded electronics and better tires. Now thanks to the generous sponsorship of RCMART.COM we can continue on with the third article, HOP UPS! These parts were chosen as ones […]

RC Mart JConcepts/Sweep sale

RC Mart is having a wicked sale right now on JConcepts and Sweep Racing. Check out the savings! Jconcepts promotion page: http://www.rcmart.com/jconcepts-Store-m-338.html SWEEP promotion page: http://www.rcmart.com/sweep-Store-m-347.html