You can do flips to your heart’s content with the new Proto-X SLT! And because it’s SLT, you can use the 2.4GHz radio that’s included or your own radio using SLT. Check out the video below to find out just what all this little quadcopter can do! [youtube][/youtube]
Posts Tagged ‘Proto-X’

Proto-X Quadcopter New colors and Pricing

The Proto-X has taken the R/C world by storm, winning two international “Toy of the Year” awards. Now, the world’s smallest quadcopter can be yours for only $29.99! The 1.8” x 1.8” Proto-X is tiny, ideal for indoor flying – and it weighs only four-tenths of an ounce. Bright, built-in LEDs make it easy to […]

Proto-X Now in White

Meet the Proto-X with the all-new white body. Not only is it the world’s smallest quadcopter, it’s also one of the world’s lightest! The 1.8” x 1.8” Proto-X is tiny, ideal for indoor flying – and it weighs only four-tenths of an ounce. Bright, built-in LEDs make it easy to see the Proto-X in low-light […]

Proto-X Gets its own website

The nano-sized Proto-X radio-control quadcopter has taken the world by storm, winning prestigious international awards and rave reviews from new and experienced fliers alike. The quality of technology and performance it offers has no equal at such a low price. No wonder this tiny quad has attracted such a large following that it now has […]