CRC drivers win 1/12th 13.5+17.5 and Formula 1. New CRC Gen-X 10SE takes 7 of 10 A-main positions! At the 2013 International Indoor Championships (IIC), a stellar amount of entries again poured into Vegas for a good time and killer competition. The Riviera hotel, a large CRC Fasttrak carpet track and a great management team, […]
Posts Tagged ‘CRC Xti’

Simo Ahoniemi and CRC take 2 in a row! 2013 Euro Champs

Calandra Racing Concepts defends the title at the 2013 1:12th European Championships in Oulu, Finland! Last weekend saw the EFRA 1/12 scale European Championships take place in Oulu, Finland. The event was organised by long-time 1/12th scale stalwart Vesa Yli and run by members of his local club at the Finnish federation. The Fins are no strangers […]