The new 1:10 EVO Conversion Kit allows you to use any of the 1:10 AKA EVO tires on HEXlite or any standard wheel, including 14mm hex wheels. The lightweight foam strips add tune-ability as you can use them with Red EVO inserts, or omit them and use a standard Red insert. Application of the conversion […]
Posts Tagged ‘conversion’

Team Associated B5 Conversion Kits

Team Associated has announced conversion kits for the new B5 line of buggies. You can convert the B5 to a mid motor car, or convert the B5M to a rear motor B5. #91539 B5 to B5M Conversion Kit Use this kit to convert your RC10B5 to the RC10B5M mid-motor version. Apply the special mid-motor […]

Serpent Cobra Truggy 1/8 Electric Conversion kit

For the Serpent Cobra Truggy 1/8 , Serpent introduces a conversion-set to electric powered version The set includes all items needed to convert, apart from the electronics. The set also includes the brand new superb looking E-Truggy bodyshell, which is a lot lower, narrower and smaller than the GP version. The battery-cases allow for EFRA […]

Project Snowmo-Slash : Traxxas Slash with Skis and Paddles

This article has been a year in the making.. not because of the rarity of the parts or the time involved, but because when we fixed to do this last year, we never had enough snow! Who’d have thought you could say that about Central New York? Well, we’ve had plenty this year already and […]