Below is a press release from Serpent. Interview 747 Serpent has released the Serpent 747, the new 1/10 scale gas car. Below a brief interview with Michael about the development. Q: when did you start to develop the new 1/10 scale car? A: Actually quite late, around November. But we had already tested some stuff […]
Posts Tagged ‘747’

Serpent 747 Chassis Weight

For Serpent 747, purpose made brass slide-weights which can be mounted into the slots pre-made in the 747 chassis. These weigh 25 grams each and maximum 3 can be fitted. Black coated, laser engraved, and comes with correct screw. The chassis has 3 slots for the slide-weights, which slide in position and are secured with […]

Serpent’s new 747 1/10 gas powered onroad car

Serpent is releasing a new development stage for the 1/10 scale gas-onroad class. Check out their press release below. Loaded with many improvements and new features and much lighter too. Focus points for this development stage was to achieve a wider sweetspot, combined with lower weight and further improved performance, and keep a very strong […]

Mark Green wins opening round of British 200mm Nationals

The first round of the 2012 BRCA 1/10th National Championship was held at the Mendip circuit, near Weston-super-Mare, UK. Despite the cold weather, around 50 drivers made the trip, all hoping for a good start to the season. Saturdays practice for the opening round of the championship was fortunately dry and there were even a […]