With all the drive shafts in place, how about we give this buggy some steering?
Man that’s a good looking chassis isn’t it??
Alright, here are all the steering parts, including steering links, bell crank, servo saver, posts, ackerman bar, and more..
There’s a piece that goes on the chassis that the steering posts mount to.
As you can see, it puts the whole assembly at an angle.
Two screws attach it to the chassis from underneath.
Now it’s time to build the servo saver/bell crank.
A hex on the post fits into the top of the one side.
Next is the other part of the arm and the spring and collar.
I’m going to be running the Option 1 Steering Rack / Ackerman bar [600171]. This is supposed to tame down the steering a bit. I don’t like a twitchy car, and this will make it easier to drive. The kit ships with Option 3, which is the most aggressive one.
With that pretty much done, now it’s time to build the steering links.
The steering rack with the links now just gets slid onto the steering posts.
Ball bearings make the steering action buttery smooth.
This is the front brace and body mount.
The body mount attaches to this before the brace is mounted to the car.
There are spacers that go on the tops of the steering posts and under the brace.
Now we just put the brace on and screw it in place.
Attach the steering links to the knuckles and we have ourselves some steering!
Now we’ll install the front chassis brace.
It goes on like so.