Serpent Viper 977 aluminum options

Serpent has released a selection of aluminum and brass options for the Serpent 977 Viper.

903502  Body post aluminum eccentric short (2)


Allows to move the body to be mounted a few mm back or forward due to eccentric shape, without need to cut new body holes.  Fits all 1/8 onroad gas cars.   In the rear the body posts of the 977 Viper are also eccentric to move along with the fronts.  Lightweight, super strong.


903576 Flex system front


This set includes 2 bearings, screws and  csh washers. These parts replace the fixed nylon inserts in the radio plate.  One first removes one screw in the top of the small front aluminum radio plate support, and mounts the parts as shown.


This system allows few mm of flex in the front area, and increases grip/traction. By replacing the screw in the top of the front aluminum radio plate support, the system is fixed again, no flex. So its very easy and fast to change and try.


903580 Weight bottom brass 38gr


This brass weight is used inside the chassisplate, which has 3 slots to move 1 or more weights, and thus influence the balance of the car. More to the front is less rear traction, more steering, more to the back is less steering, more rear grip. To move the weights is very easy and fast and can be even managed during a fast pit-stop. The shape fits the chassis slots. Logo and weight is engraved.


903603 Radio plate bracket aluminum


Superbly machined aluminum radio plate support for Viper 977 ads more stability to the center of the 977 and  offers stunning looks  Grey anodized.

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