VRC Pro (or Virtual RC) has been around a little while now. It is a R/C racing simulator for enthusiasts who want unlimited resources, non-stop practice and instant racing with anyone, anywhere on the planet.
I have spent some time with VRC Pro, both with the original lineup or tracks and vehicles, as well as with the new added, and exciting OFF-Road segment. This review and intro has been a long time coming, due to various projects I’ve been having to put in front of it, issues with my home PC (more on this later), and my somewhat lack of interest in the on-road lineup they started out with (this changed as I spent more time with it).
Let me first talk a little bit about VRC in general. This is no computer game. It is a 100% legitimate R/C Simulator. You can use your own radio (with the purchase of their USB adapter, or if you have one of those chinese (FlySky, HobbyKing, etc) radios, most come with a USB cable). You can adjust almost every aspect of the car, from tire compound to gearing, and it provides a noticeable change. You have to marshall yourself when you jump the pipe of flip over (a quick blip of the SPACEBAR). There is so much to VRC Pro, it’s almost intimidating as a new user to take it all in.
I’ll be testing this with the Futaba 4PL from the 2012 CMN Charity Raffle.
Fear not though, I’m going to walk your through it, one aspect at a time (on the next page). First, let me show you some videos of the new Short Course stuff, as well as some of the on-road stuff.
OFF-ROAD Videos!
2011 VRC Pro Masters 1:10 ISTC Semi final A
VRC Pro 1:12 Stock class 10.5T at Haarlem WC track
VRC Pro Tamiya Open 13.5T A-main
Keep reading to find out more using the page numbers below! Special prize at the end
looks awesome
What a greatly review. I would have never tried a simulation for rc. I will now have to try it!
I don’t get to the track as much as I would like. This looks like an awesome way to get track time.
interesting. Have always wanted to try this, looks like a good tool to help improve your performance on the track!
Definitely going to put this on my Christmas list! Awesome review.
Great review. I was holding judgment off for the off road of VRC until I saw someone like yourself recommend it. Lots of screen shots too, helped me really make up my mind that I want to try VRC.
Review was great. Off-road looks awesome!!
Great review! I don’t stay up on a lot of stuff like this and to be truthful I had no idea it even existed. Physics of the game look amazing!
This looks like the best way to spend time on rainy day.
But when will the RC guys start to build stuff for us MAC users.
I havnt owned a PC in 12 years. Its hard to spend $400 plus dollars on a laptop just to play one of the coolest Rc games or tune my ESC.
You could run parallels or bootcamp + Windows on the Mac.
I am very excited to give VRC a shot the Offroad tracks look awesome.
I still give my copy of RealRace V2 a go now and again but it’d be great to try something newer. I wish their free trial included the off-road but I don’t think it does.
I would like to give this a try with my remote, I tried it the other day with the keyboard and it was disappointing. Your review has made me think twice about uninstalling it!
Awesome review! VRC has come a long way from back in the day! Alot of people give them a hard time, but I think they have done a great job for such a small staff. Keep up the great work!
[…] off-road, but you'll at least be able to try VRC in general and be on your way to r/c greatness) http://www.rcsoup.com/2012/09/vrc-pr…-and-giveaway/ __________________ http://www.rcsoup.com – R/C Reviews, News, and Tips <<- PM Me if you'd like […]
VRC is great. The on-road feels a lot more “real” to me. The short course is fun, but it definately feels more like a game and less like a sim – for instance, traction is constant throughout – rather than just on the line. I’ve been playing VRC for about 4-5 months this year. Very fun.
I recently picked up VRC to test out how it compared to RCSIM and its great. I live local to Mike’s and race there on a weekly basis and its amazing the detail they worked in. Look forward to seeing 2wd buggy and 1/8 scale!
Great review by RCSoup – I got to see some folks using the simulator at a race last weekend and I really want to give it a shot – but maybe I’ll wait first to see if I get lucky!
I have tried vrc pro and it is a lot of fun. sure would be nice to win a subscription.
great review rc soup… that looks like the real deal!
Looks like a lot of fun and a great way for drivers not to get rusty from not racing over the winter break.
I have tried this out since reading your review. I must say this is a really good sim. I,like you,wish there were more options in the offroad portion. I know that there are plans to have more. I would like to thank rc soup for the review and vrc for the chance to win these prizes.
It would be awesome to give this a try. With the recent birth of my third child, I can’t get to the track as much as I would like. VRC could be my ticket to get track time without leaving home.
I was using VRC when it first launched with just nitro 1/10, and 1/8th cars and I oved it back then. I even had the first blue usb adapter before. I really liked it alot and have been trying to get a copy of windows for my mac so I can get back on it.
Very interesting I’m definitely going to have to give this a try! Thanks for the review!
Great review ! Been waiting for VRC to go offroad ! Thanks VRC for the give away and the chance to play this great sim for free !
Wow, looks great! Wish there was a cheaper license for those of us who don’t care about on-road stuff.
I might try it out! Thanks VRC for creating something for people on a tight budget that can’t go out and slam their trucks into the ground every single weekend. Couple bucks a month? I spend more than that on replacement parts anyway. 
I have only heard things about this and I would love to try it to get my own opinion on it. From what you said I think it will be great!
Really like the idea here, my son is turning into a pretty good driver and this could be another ‘tool’ in our pit box.
I could use the virtual driving time also, stinking 10 year old beats me almost every race….
Thanks for the great work, value you’re reviews immensely.
Thanks, Todd
WOW! Never knew this even existed until RC Soup let me know. It really looks awesome and I know I can use all the practice I can fit in. I love how you can use my regular racing transmitter with the program.
Awesome stuff!! Big thanks to VRC for donating so many subscriptions and adapters for us to win.
Oh looks great. Especially around here when winter comes.. i can race all day and not wreck or have any wear an tear on ur stuff..
We have customers standing in line at the shop waiting for their chance to give it a try. If you are in the Dallas area, stop by and give it a try. You can drive our track online and then step out to the track for some real time racing action.
Looks like a great way to practice when the closest track is an $80 round trip!
perfect way to play with your setup! awesome! i would try!
Looks very cool.
Looks pretty cool. Nice way to try things out before you actually try them out on your own car/truck.
Great program. Been a subscriber for a year and the best day was the day they added off road. Started racing at VRC with no experience and now have several on road and off road vehicles to race at my local track.
Thanks to VRC for getting me back in the hobby. Highly recommended
looks great can’t wait to play it……………
A very well documented review, which gives a very good insight to VRC! The on road section of the sim looks very appealing to me!
looks like it could be a good tool to hone your racing skills. Cant wait to try one out.
Great review. i definately need more practice and cant always make it to the track. Also, it would be great to try out some upgrades on the cars.
I read your great review and then signed up for a free trial- this is really a great sim which I think
I will use also in the future to become a better rc driver
If its good enough, it seems like a good way to test possible setups.
I wanna win the vrc pro. Need some more practice with shortcourse.
I’ve always wanted to try Vrc-Pro, but the buy in costs just didn’t seem worth it for no off road. Glad they’ve added this, I’d love to be able to try it!
LOVE IT! The Offroad is soo nice!
[…] Here's an online review of the software from rcsoup.com… http://www.rcsoup.com/2012/09/vrc-pro-hands-on-review-and-giveaway/#.UE92cX7uU8Q.facebook We'll use this thread to post upcoming online race times, club challenges, setup tips, general […]
I tryed VRC once at a Hobby shop and really liked it alot. But not being a computer guy and not knowing my specs I never used it again. Now that I am racing I think it would be a great tool to use for practice and setup help. I really liked your review and am considering maybe trying it out again someday soon. Thanks RC Soup for a awsome review and giveaway.
I have been waiting for the offroad version to come out for 3 years and really like what what they did. Great job guys!
looks interesting i want to try one
Sorry for the comments being closed guys, setting was off in the post.
This looks awesome, would definitively want to try this out.
Thanks for the review. Looking at starting RC next year, this should help with practice.
What an awesome idea!
I won. I won, thanks RCSOUP, this is so cool!
So the winners have been notified by now? What is the email addy that we should look for if we won?
They emailed me first thing this morning, I had it setup in an hour, waiting for the usb link now
Well I guess my luck is really bad then. Had a 1 in 5 chance of winning too….
Winners have been notified. Only got SOME replies.. so might have another winner. Formal announcement coming soon.
When I woke up this morning I would never have guessed I could one day want to drive a short course truck. Good job VRC.
VRC is Awesome. I started RC’ing about 2 years ago I wish i would have had VRC then. I think my skills are improving after only 1 day with this. Great tool to learn more about your driving and your car setup. I’m still a newb at the track in real life I’ve only raced on road about 5 or 6 track days. I have some on road races coming up with competition that has been into it for years. I feel that with some serious practice time on VRC I will be a better driver soon. I hope to relly work on my skills and get out of the C main and maybe even into the A main. Thanks VRC