2012 Grand Nationals Pull / Crank It Up Coverage

The activities continued with the Pedal Tractor Pull. Kids of all ages could test their might and see if they had what it took to make a FULL PULL!

Working weight transfer sled in tow.



Some more airplanes!




They had a bigger pedal tractor for older kids. Obviously they add more weight in the sled for this bad boy.

Black Smith demo station.

Best part of the show! (well, best of the food in my opinion!) Fried Dough!



Got Alpacas? Crank it Up did!

Mr. Pero was entertaining himself, and the crowd by driving around his Castle powered Tamiya TXT-1 in the parking lot before the activities began.


The weigh station was setup for everyone to ensure they were within the legal weight limit.

Here are the trophies again!

Some crawler/puller testing was afoot as well! Anyone interested in pulling that only owns a crawler (SCX10, Wraith, etc), should contact the pulling club on Facebook. There’s a possibility this could become a easily available class to enter if there were enough of them.





Unhooking the Garden Tractor after it’s full pull on the 2nd round of qualifying.

Next page, the Pull Offs and conclusion to this amazing event!

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One Response to “2012 Grand Nationals Pull / Crank It Up Coverage”

  1. Jim Guinta says:

    Once again Kevin and Kris,you’ve done a great job on giving us a wonderful review of our event. Awesome job guys.

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