Time for the Mains! But not before RC Soup gave out a few awards. The award winners were presented with a plaque, brilliantly designed by our own Kevin Crandall. Each was also given a gift certificate good at CRC raceway. We sponsored awards for
Weary Traveler – Given to the racer who traveled the furthest to get to the Intergalactic Short Course Champs. E.T. would have won hands down. But since we didn’t have any visitors from another planet enter the race, we had to go with David Gibson from Boston MA. David won a gift card to CRC raceway, and in the bag is a can of Bush’s Baked Beans, for some “free gas” to help him get home
The next award we gave out was the Hard Luck Award. Throughout the weekend, we watched for people who were having consistent issues. When we found this young man, it became obvious he deserved this award. Not only did he break his 1/8 E Buggy and 4wd SCT, but his arm was in a cast to boot.
The next award we gave out was called Run Forrest Run. This award was for who we thought was the most active turn marshal. We watched for people who were constantly helping other turn marshals, looked for people who were on top of their area. We noticed Tony Feliciti early on. He seemed to be all over the track helping out. We unanimously chose him as the best turn marshal. An honorable mention, and a CRC gift card, went to Jimmy G, who was the marshal who volunteered the most for the weekend. Every time Dumper asked for a volunteer, it seemed Jimmy G was stepping up.
Next up for the Soup awards was Youngest Competitor. This was an easy one, young Quinn was the winner of a CRC gift certificate and a plaque.
Throughout the weekend, we had a running contest going on at the RC Soup tent. It was Guess the Mystery Soup. The rules were simple. Each person got only one guess. Guess it right, and you earn a gift certificate to CRC raceway.
Nate Reyes would ultimately guess correctly that the mystery soup was broccoli and cheese.
We wanted to have a tie in to our monthly Soupercharged Rides contest. As such, we used a dart thrown at the heat sheet to pick 12 names. Those twelve people were each given a bag with a can of soup in it. The challenge was to be the first person to submit a picture of their ride via email or text message with that can of soup. Kevin McNerney took the prize, a gift certificate to CRC raceway.
While he didn’t get this submitted first, this was Whopper’s submission. Classic.
After the twelve participants names were chosen with the dart, we picked a lucky number 13th person by throwing the dart against the heat board one more time. That person received a plaque and a gift certificate to CRC raceway. Matt Levy was our “Luck of the Draw” winner.
I want to take this opportunity to especially thank two people from the RC Soup team that were instrumental in the giving of these awards. Thank you Jim Decker and Kevin Crandall, without your efforts this wouldn’t have been possible.
[…] has been posted. Thank you everyone for your help and support, hope to see you all next year!! http://www.rcsoup.com/2012/09/1st-an…t-crc-raceway/ __________________ http://www.rcsoup.com – R/C Reviews, News, and Tips <<- PM Me if you'd like […]
[…] Re: Intergalactic Short Course Championships – Aug 25-26 @ CRC RC Soup coverage posted. I hope everyone had a great time, and hope to see you all next year! 1st Annual Intergalactic Short Course Championships at CRC Raceway | RC Soup […]
[…] David Gibson, not Brian. Someone beat me to it, but its for a sworkz buggy. I saw him run it at the Intergalactic Short course champs last week. I had to ask him too, I had never seen one. Looked like it handled really well. I'll see […]
[…] was the shootout itself. This time will be slightly different. We ran the Stage IV version at the Intergalactic Short Course Championships at CRC Raceway in Rome NY. Before this event, CRC made changes to the track to prevent an unfair […]
[…] Rides submission. John sent us this submission as part of our promotion of this contest during the Intergalactic Short Course Championships. He wasn’t the first to submit his photo, but all entries were rolled into the monthly […]